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From Scripture to Today:

Unraveling the Timeless Relevance of the Old Testament

The United Kingdoms

  The concept of a united kingdom in the Bible typically refers to the historical period when Israel was ruled by kings Saul, David, and Solomon, as described in the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles.

  King Saul had made all of the wrong choices when he disobeyed God. This united monarchy emerged as the twelve tribes of Israel  sought a

centralized leadership. King David, in particular, is celebrated for his victories and establishing Jerusalem as the capital. God also answered Solomon’s prayer.

Solomon became known everywhere.


  However, the united kingdom eventually divided into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, facing internal strife and external threats. This biblical narrative explores themes of leadership, unity, and the consequences of division.  These stories teaches us lessons about owning up to our mistakes, not judging others by appearance, and trusting the Lord in life.

Different Stages of The Old Testament

Fashionable Earrings

Program Flow/
Presentation PPT

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